Choosing Good Health

Can we all agree that we would rather not feel dissatisfied in life? Wouldn’t you prefer to wake up everyday with a vibe of “You got this” no matter what? I mean really, wouldn’t you seriously favor being recognized as the person being their entire finest self? Let’s be honest here, we all have a desire to be our absolute best selves, and when we know we are not, there is a level of discontent. Agreed? So to me, it appears there is nothing better than feeling good. When you feel good you are more apt to do good, share your goodness, and obviously be good at whatever you apply yourself to. Whether you are competitive, are focused on coloring inside the lines, are a risk taker, or you are just looking to maintain, we got the goods, and at the core is good health.

We get it. You are dealing with plenty of responsibilities and circumstances that are difficult to avoid, and let’s not forget the situations that have the capability of interrupting the good you feel on a daily basis. The truth is, life can be incredibly overwhelming at times, but with some acknowledgement and much needed ease, there is indeed hope to tackle your troubles. Nurturing the foundational core of your health is essential, and in most cases, it is all about you taking a moment to choose good for you to cater to your good health. But first...

What Does Being In Good Health Mean? 

Being in good health really does go beyond the fit factor we all determine to be the essence of being healthy. When considering good health, it is especially important to have an understanding that the word health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being. Good health is central to handling stress and living a longer, more active life.  When your body is aligned with your well-being, it seems the world is your oyster. Onward you go...


Tips To Maintain Good Health

Good health is certainly at the cornerstone of every aspect of your behavior. There’s a saying, “When you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.” Your health certainly determines your capabilities. In many ways taking good health for granted is easy to do, but being proactive in preserving the health you have is vital. There are several tips to follow to support your overall health. Ready


For decades, the various types of meditation have gained more popularity beyond ‘New Age’ followers because of its assistance in establishing mindfulness, acceptance, focus, and connection to self. If you are looking to give meditation a try and need some guidance on how to practice meditation there are applications providing step by step instruction. The Wim Hoff Method is helpful in directing you on a path of breathing techniques and cultivating a positive mindset.

yoga by the beach


Eat Healthy Foods


    We’ve all heard it a million times, but balancing your diet provides an undeniable impact on your overall health. Including more veggies, less processed foods, low sugar and carbs, minimal fat, raw grains and natural fruits in your food regimen is helpful as you aspire to maintain good health. The food pyramid from elementary school still rings true. The goal is to find what works for you, though. This is why it seems there are an unlimited number of food lifestyle options out there (Keto, Gluten-free, Vegan, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, etc.), and the list goes on. The choice is really yours to define what works best for you, and the structure easy to adapt to.

    Incorporate Vitamins, Herbs and Botanicals Into Your Diet

      Speaking of adapting, utilizing supplements to complement your diet regimen and to fill in the gaps of nutrients not acquired from your diet has been known to be a helpful approach as you focus on a good health journey. Same goes for herbs and botanicals. As naturally occurring components of the planet, herbs and botanicals have properties to help support a range of ailments, and health concerns, stemming from joint inflammation, to the sniffles from a cold. When it comes to the world of vitamins, herbs and botanicals, do your due diligence and consider what collection you may need to become your personal health ally.


      Regular Exercise

      Moving that body of yours and exerting energy is very important for your health and wellness journey. Even exercising 20-30 mins per day can increase your health threshold. Fortunately, companies like Peloton have made it much easier to get a quality workout in just 20 mins a day. Keep in mind, if working out daily seems like a massive undertaking, ponder on how you can integrate exercise-like decisions into your daily life. Can you park a bit further from the entrance of work to get a little more of a walk in? Or maybe when you take a trip to the store, park a little further from the door. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs. When you are on a business call, walk around rather than stand in place. If you work from home, try a standing desk. The idea is to be creative in your workout and exercise endeavors, and just be consistent to engage in more movement.

      Keep Great Company

        A study done by UCLA found that those with negative social experiences had higher levels of proinflammatory proteins. So, yes, great health is a result of spending time with those you like, and enjoy being around. I don’t know about you, but being around a group of individuals you are not fans of can be absolutely draining and extremely stressful. I would suggest, when you can select quality individuals to be around that make you laugh, lift you up and challenge you to do step 1-4, keep them around!


        Stress Less

        Sometimes stress is hard to avoid. Family life, work life, all of life, can come at you like a ton of bricks far too often. The goal is to be able to recognize the impact life elements have on your stress level. When you are conscious of what has an effect on you emotionally, physically, and spiritually you are more likely to be able to address the issue head on, and most importantly react differently. It is not always simple, nor is it fun, but once you have a grasp on how not to react, and have a greater understanding (meditation may help get you here), you will allow more things to simply roll off your shoulders. When you get to that side of the invisible stress meter, life seems much more kind.

        According to Medical News Today, Hemp Extract may have properties to assist with stress levels.


        Experience More

        Experiences allow you to explore more of yourself and to get out of the normalcy that can become a mechanical way of living. Experiencing more doesn’t have to be extravagant, it can be any of the following ideas:

        • Trying a new restaurant
        • Traveling to a new place
        • Reading a new book for inspiration
        • Watching a show, you may not normally be interested in
        • Learning a new skill
        • Doing something you have always wanted to do

        When you give any of the above a try, and you try something fresh more often, your perspective on life will change, and your health will benefit. Just remember the happier you are the better you will feel.

        Choose a beverage with green tea, ginger and prebiotics to boost your immunity. 

        No matter where you are in your health and wellness journey, select a functional beverage designed to help support you when you need it most. Real Good Tea has four options to choose from and are all infused with hemp extract, vitamins, herbs and botanicals to make it easy to choose good for you.